More to the point, something is wrong when we celebrate mental mediocrity like <Ms. Palin's> under the misapprehension that competence or, God forbid, "intelligence," makes a person one of those "elites" — that's a curse word now — lacking authenticity, compassion and common sense.Has the Republican "dumbing-down" of America--which started with the Reagan administration's severe Department of Education budget cuts and continued through George W. Bush's insidious "No Child Left Behind Act"--turned us into a nation of fools, willing followers of a woman who believes in witchcraft and demons, and is not above using her political office to resolve personal vendettas?
Contrary to the view expressed by Mr. Pitts, Sarah Palin on a ballot is not something I want to see happen in real life. What if, on the million-to-one chance, she does get elected? What if by some odd chance political posturing and partisan sniping get so out of hand that people say oh-what-the-hell and vote her in? I don't want someone who believes in witchcraft, demons--and Armageddon--holding the launch codes. Do you?
(h/t to Suzette B.)
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